
2024 Keynote Speaker: Haley Waggoner

Haley Waggoner currently serves as a Specialist in the Government Relations department at Special Olympics International. In her role, she creates resources and training for athletes to get involved in their local or state government.

In 2013, Haley advocated to have the r-word removed from Nebraska state documents and replaced with the term intellectual disability. At the time, she worked with a Nebraska State Senator to introduce the bill and later testified for the bill. She held a rally in front of the Nebraska State Capitol to have Senators pledge not to use the r-word and to pass the r-word bill. In June 2013, Haley got to see the bill become a law when the Governor signed the document. That was Haley’s favorite memory thus far.

Prior to joining the Special Olympics, Haley worked at a bakery where she decorated cakes and wrapped baked goods. She resides in Lincoln, Nebraska, and enjoys playing tennis, soccer, and basketball.