Frequently Asked Questions

What is the conference schedule?
To view the final schedule click here.

How much does the conference cost?
To view conference fees click here.

What is included in the $350 chapter/conference attendee fee?
The $350 registration covers 2 nights (Friday and Saturday) in a double occupancy room, five meals plus additional snacks, a conference t-shirt, and conference materials.

Who pays for delegate travel?
It is the responsibility of the chapter to cover delegate travel. Many chapters can apply for Student Government funds, so be sure to check that option. If travel costs present a financial barrier, you may apply for a travel grant

Does each chapter have to send someone? Who should it be?
Yes, of course! Each chapter is required to send one student delegate; their $350 is part of the required Chapter Annual Fee. Your chapter has to pay that fee regardless of attendance, so you should definitely send someone. The MBNC offers unique learning opportunities for all members, so it’s highly recommended that as many officers and members as possible attend. Each chapter is required to have at least one member attend the conference as the official delegate representing the chapter, but any number of members and advisors may attend.

How many members may register for the chapter’s conference fee?
The official delegate (usually the incoming chapter president) is covered by the $350 Chapter Annual Fee. Additional collegiate members and advisors may register for a fee

What is the registration deadline? What happens if I miss the deadline to register?
The registration deadline is June 15. Registrations after this deadline will need to be approved by the National Office.

Why should I attend the conference?
The conference provides Mortar Board members with the chance to learn about the Society, engage in leadership and professional development sessions, network and build rapport both regionally and nationally. You’ll have fun with a group of inspiring leaders with a similar focus on Mortar Board’s shared values of scholarship, leadership, and service! This year, we have also added an exhibit area for graduate schools, job opportunities, and conference sponsors. Below is a list of some things you will do during the conference:

  • Network with hundreds of collegiate and alumni members from around the country;
  • Attend educational sessions to introduce you to Mortar Board’s chapter operations;
  • Meet national leaders, especially your Region Coordinators—the volunteers who assist the chapters near you;
  • Learn leadership tricks and tips to help you run your chapter, improve your own skills and boost your credentials;
  • Participate in Society governance and cast a vote for the student representatives to National Council;
  • Gather information for your chapter and learn how to inspire others to lead.

How should I prepare?

  • Familiarize yourself with Mortar Board as a national organization by browsing the website.
  • Read Mortar Board’s National Bylaws.
  • Reach out to former officers and your chapter advisors to learn about any issues, trends, or challenges facing your chapter; come with a list of questions you need answered.
  • Talk to members who have been to conference in previous years.

I can’t find my answer here.
All general questions regarding the conference may be sent to or call the National Office at 614-488-4094. This email address will also be checked during the conference.