Donor Advised Funds

A donor-advised fund (DAF), which is like a charitable savings account, gives you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted to Mortar Board.  

We encourage you to visit the website of your DAF host organization (i.e., Fidelity Charitable, Vanguard Charitable, etc.), search for Mortar Board National Foundation (EIN 35-6043585), and then recommend that a grant be made in your preferred amount to the Mortar Board National Foundation. If you wish for your donation to be designated to a specific fund or endowment, please indicate as such when providing your recommendation. Otherwise, your unrestricted gift will benefit the Greatest Need of the Mortar Board National Foundation.  

Legal Name: Mortar Board National Foundation
Address: 1200 Chambers Road, Suite 201, Columbus, Ohio 43212
Federal tax ID number / EIN: 35-6043585