Planned Gifts

If you have already made plans to benefit Mortar Board with a deferred gift, please let us know by completing the online form or contacting us at 614-488-4094 / Doing so will help ensure your philanthropic wishes are carried out as you intend. It would be our pleasure to thank you and welcome you into the Passing the Torch Society.  Information you share will be kept confidential and we respect any desire to remain anonymous. 

If you would like to explore the possibility of including Mortar Board in your estate plans, we would be happy to serve as a resource for you and/or your advisors.  

How to Include the Mortar Board National Foundation in your Estate Planning  

There are several different vehicles you may wish to consider in making an estate provision for the Mortar Board National Foundation.  

When naming the Foundation as a beneficiary in a will or trust, the correct legal name designation is Mortar Board National Foundation. The Mortar Board National Foundation is a nonprofit organization with the current principal business address of 1200 Chambers Road, Suite 201, Columbus, Ohio 43212.  

When naming the Foundation on a life insurance or retirement plan beneficiary designation form, please use as much of the above information as is practical in the space provided and consult your plan custodian, insurance representative or professional advisor to ensure that you have provided sufficient specifics on the form. 

Use our Federal tax ID number as needed: EIN 35-6043585 

We encourage you to contact us to complete an intention form, so that we can discuss any specific preferences you may have for the use of your gift.