Member Data Release Form

Data use guidelines

Mortar Board member data may be used for official Mortar Board business. Member records may not be sold, rented or distributed to any external organization or business for any purpose. Inform the National Office immediately if there is any breach of this protection or if there is a use that you would like to discuss with us, like sharing it with your institution’s alumni association.

Sometimes a member requests that information not be shared. In that case, the National Office provides the name and initiation date but withholds contact information.

Please do not add alumni email addresses to your general chapter listserv. Alumni members should only be contacted by email when your chapter has events or initiatives that specifically target them.

Member information is very changeable. Please send any updates to member records that you receive to the National Office, either in batches or one at a time. This includes information on returned mail labels and if mail or emails are returned to you with an invalid address.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.